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Changes to thyroglobulin and thyroglobulin antibody service

From 1 August 2022, thyroglobulin tests for all our sites will be brought in-house to the North Midlands and Cheshire Pathology Services Stoke laboratory.














From 1 August 2022, thyroglobulin tests for all our sites will be brought in-house to the North Midlands and Cheshire Pathology Services Stoke laboratory. Previously, samples from Cheshire sites were sent to Sheffield for analysis. Please note the following changes will be implemented with the new service provision:

  • Red top serum tube (no gel), this was previously gold gel serum tube for Cheshire sites.
  • A reference range will not be reported with the thyroglobulin measurement.
  • Samples with detectable thyroglobulin antibody levels will be sent to Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital for analysis by radioimmunoassay to exclude interference.
  • Thyroglobulin antibodies will be reported as a numerical value.

Note that it may still be possible to arrange for samples to be sent to Sheffield for a limited time on a case-by-case basis if there is a clinically significant change in a patient’s results which is thought could be due to the change in provider. Please contact the duty biochemist at Leighton Hospital (01270 278349) to discuss this if required.

For more information on this test please see