Dr Vicky Burnham
Vicki is one of 17 Emergency Department consultants and works as both a general emergency medicine consultant which includes emergency paediatrics as well as a trauma team leader.
She has a busy non- clinical commitment which includes being the lead for training for the certificate of eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) doctors and being on the CESR panel for the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. As part of this role she runs a simulation group within the department for using simulation to help develop the whole team and is also an Educational Supervisor.
Vicky says: “I wanted to practice emergency medicine after spending four months as a foundation doctor in the emergency department at the former Royal Infirmary site in Stoke. During that time, in my training, I worked with some of the most inspirational doctors who persuaded me that I should think about a career in the emergency department.
“Emergency medicine is always fascinating me as there are never two days or two patients the same and one minute you can be dealing with something quite minor and the next minute with something that will have life changing repercussions for the patient and their family for years to come.
“Outside of work I am the mum of four young children with the latest addition just being born a few months ago which keeps me very busy (and is excellent training for working in a busy emergency department)!”