Dr Ann-Marie Morris

Ann Marie Morris is a consultant in emergency medicine. Here she talks about her role at UHNM and why she decided to practice Emergency Medicine
“I have a relatively short attention span and like to see results quickly so the variety, speed of decision making and unpredictability emergency medicine offers suits my personality. While there will always be some element of predictability for a shift there is more often than not something which will throw a curveball or a new challenge to deal with and that’s what I thrive on.
“I really enjoy knowing I have done the best for my patients and seeing results, often immediately, but one of the worst things about the job is knowing that while I may have done best for a patient, because of factors out of my control, the patient won’t get better.
“Outside of work, I am a mum of two and when I have a really awful day I know that when I get home I still have to be mum. I can’t mull the day over, I have to smile - it’s a bit like putting on a performance but helps me keep things in perspective.”