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Research and Audit Radiographers

*Picture taken Pre Covid. 

Radiographers Ruth Cope and Rachel Sutton alongside Imaging Research Administrator Michelle Swann from the Imaging Research Team discuss what their job involves:

We work with the Research and Innovation and Delivery Teams when trials require Imaging to ensure that Imaging’s governance checks are fulfilled providing a high standard of care for research patients.

We liaise with the relevant Modality Team Leaders that they have the capability and capacity to accommodate proposed research trials. To provide support should any challenges arise.

We undertake the feasibility to authorisation process to ensure an efficient set up and image transfer turnaround time for sponsors, this has involved devising Imaging proformas to include required governance checks.

We devise a Research section on Imaging’s SharePoint site detailing current and proposed studies enabling staff to access and understand current Imaging research protocols and activity and whether there is capacity to support new trials.

Develop new systems to improve the identification of research patients to ensure each research patient is appointed correctly, receives the correct protocol on the correct equipment and is reported by the Lead Radiologist for the trial. Image transfers to the sponsor are also organised if required. Ensuring sponsor specific Imaging procedures are adhered to in a timely manner ensures a high standard of care is delivered to our patients and also bolsters our research reputation with sponsors, important in maintaining future collaborations.

We seek more research opportunities by working with external stakeholders such as Keele University to develop future potential research collaborations.

As a team, we hope to raise the profile of research by highlighting it’s importance and encouraging more home grown research within Imaging so that we can continue to establish best practice for our patients.

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